Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What if I change my mind after signing up?
A: You are free to leave any research study at any time for any reason. We only ask that you let us know and tell us why. Note that there is no commitment required for the initial consultation.
Q: How often do I have to come to the office?
A: It depends on the study. Generally, the first few visits occur weekly. Visits are then spaced out to every other week. Long-term research studies (lasting more than three months) generally require monthly or bimonthly visits.
Q: How long do I need to spend in the office for a study visit?
A: Most often you will not be required to be in the office for more than an hour per visit. Start-up or final study visits last a little longer.
Q: Will I have to stop the medication I am currently taking?
A: That will depend on the individual study protocol. Some protocols do not require a change of medication, while some may require you work with the study doctors to stop your current medication in order to begin treatment within the study protocol.
Q: Should I discuss my participation in a research study with my doctor?
A: Yes, that is a good idea especially if your participation will require you stopping your current medications. However, it is not required that you discuss your participation with anyone.
Q: Is there a chance I will be taking an inactive pill (placebo) while in the study?
A: Yes, we do conduct many "placebo controlled trials". Very often, however, we have trials that study multiple active medication groups (treatment arms) compared to only one placebo group, so the odds of getting active medication are better. We also do a fair number of head-to-head trials as well as "add-on" studies that compare the effect of two medications.
Q: Have study medications been tested in humans before?
A: Yes, we do not conduct "first-in-man" trials. Study medications have been tested in humans for safety (Phase I) before entering phases II, III, and IV.
Q: Is participation confidential?
A: Yes. Clinical research protects your confidentiality and health information to a higher degree than private care. Please see our privacy section for further information.